Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 98: Busted.

      The last couple months have been pretty crazy. But I make no excuses. I let things slide. I have fallen behind in my Bible reading over the holidays, and some days I forgot to look for my Savior to show up. But I'm getting back on track now. I have been keeping a list of places God has been showing up over the last couple months. So for a few weeks, I'll post two God-sightings a day - one from that day and one from my list. So, here goes...

Thank you prayer for new outlook on life...or perhaps an old one welcomed back:

     Lord, thank you for this awakening. Even though it brings fear...and pain...this truth is sweeter to me, sweeter than all the vain hopes and fleeting moments in pursuit of optimism and fervor. This truth I know is real, not a wish-to or hope-for. This truth is Yours bringing love and purpose to me again, and this pain heals my faith. My soul wearied by heavy burdens feels them transforming into burdens of a different kind. You have brought Your love and truth to me. And Praise You! You have brought this truth, this freedom to my family as well. You have stirred their souls, and they have cried tears of relief and renewal and resolve. Thank you for this blessing of faith. Do not let us falter or turn astray. Keep us following Your voice. Let us praise You and touch others with this vision. I pray that their hearts would be awakened to Your truth, that they would find this freeedom and acceptance and fulfillment in You as well.

*From the list: Meteors.
I love astronomy. It's one of my hobbies. Sometimes, though, I cannot grasp what I read or see in a picture. I'm not a theoretical physicist, so sometimes the numbers get lost on me. What I love about meteors, though, is that they are one of a select few phenomena that I can actually see happen. I can watch them shoot into the atmosphere shredding through molecules and glowing insanely as they incinerate into dust. Then I can grasp it. I can see the speed, the energy, the extreme temperatures; I can see the power not just an takes my breath away. I love seeing things in nature that illustrate God's power. To know that He posses all this power (He created it) and more even beyond the physical realm, is so mind-boggling.

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