Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 3: Where are you?

     I'm liking waking up every morning and wondering where I'll see God and what He will say to me that day. Where was He today? I'm not sure. Maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough. I did think about Him a lot today. I'm teaching tomorrow about the Holy Spirit and the love that He gives us for each other. How can I possibly explain such a thing as perfect love? I don't even understand it properly; I don't know how to love like that. Jesus is the only example we have of a human living God's perfect love. That's why we need help from the Spirit to do it. I'm just praying that the Holy Spirit will speak and keep me on track.
     Also, today I was on a Bible study website and someone had posted a link to their blog. This person is an atheist and, for reasons I do not know, has decided to read the entire Bible in a year. He or she is over halfway through Ezekiel. This person does not understand what he or she is reading and is scoffing and chiding all the way through it because of pre-existing beliefs. Even though comments abound explaining the different passages, this atheist blows each one off. I hope when this atheist gets to the New Testament, everything will come together and make more sense. Reading just a few of this person's posts made me feel sick. Not disgusted sick so much as sad sick. To think that there are so many people like that out there, and I don't know who they are or how to help them. Many of them I can't help. I don't know why they would ever listen to me - about anything. [But perhaps that's a stereotype I should get rid of; it doesn't sound like something the Spirit would say]. I was really upset about it. A little later on, I thought that God must feel the same way - even more so - when people mosey through life thinking that they have it all reasonably figured out, a good handle on things, and sometimes taking pride in the fact that they do. I can't fully imagine what that is like for God. I only know what He indicates in His Word. 
     Although nothing today stood out as being directly of God, He always finds a way to invade my day through my thoughts or other things. It's like that song "Can't Get Away" by Rush of Fools. YouTube it.

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